F/fn keyword
F <name>(<arguments>) [-> <return_type>] <body>
Name of the function. Can be empty if it is a constructor (when function defined inside type definition, example: {…}) or this is a module nameless function, e.g.
os:(command_string)(see module os documentation).
Comma- or semicolon-separated list of function arguments. Can be empty.
Each argument is defined as:
[<argument type>] [<qualifier>]<argument name> [= <default value>]
By default all arguments passed to a function are constant and can not be changed inside a function, but this behaviour can be altered via qualifiers.
Voidcan be used as a return type name to denote that function does not return anything.
Named arguments
F sqlen(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) R x*x + y*y + z*z print(sqlen(z' 3)) // equivalent to print(sqlen(0, 0, 3))
Named-only [or keyword-only] arguments
F to_html(instr, ohd = 0B, ', habr_html = 0B) ... to_html(s, 0B, 1B) // this is wrong to_html(s, 0B, habr_html' 1B) // this is correct to_html(s, habr_html' 1B) // and this is correct
Matching named arguments elision
This call:
my_function( my_first_variable' my_first_variable, my_second_variable' my_second_variable )can be shortened to:
my_function( ' my_first_variable, ' my_second_variable )[Inspired by this thread.]
F/fn subkeywords
fn.destructoris used to define a destructor:
T TypeName F.destructor print(‘TypeName destructor called’)
virtual.assignindicate that this functions is virtual and they specify a "type of virtuality" of this function.
virtual.newmeans that this is a new virtual function.
virtual.overrideensures that the function is virtual and is overriding a virtual function from a base type. The program is ill-formed (a compile-time error is generated) if this is not true.
virtual.finalspecifies that a virtual function cannot be overridden in a derived type.
virtual.abstractsubkeyword enables you to create type functions that are incomplete and must be implemented in a derived type (this implementation should be marked with
Small example:
T Shape F.virtual.abstract square() -> Float T Circle(Shape) Float radious F.virtual.assign square() -> Float R math:pi * .radious^2
fn.argsis intended to provide access to the arguments passed to the current function, but it is not implemented yet.
fn.resultis a special variable that serves as an implicit return variable.
Why `fn.result`?