Keywords I/if and E/else
Two consecutive keywords E/ elseand I/ ifare treated especially, so there is no need for a separate/additional keyword like elifin Python or elsifin Ruby. Also I/ ifand E/ elsecan be used in expressions similarly to ternary operator ?:from C: sign = I x < 0 {-1} E I x > 0 {1} E 0 // 11l sign = x < 0 ? -1 : x > 0 ? 1 : 0 // C I/if subkeywordsI.likely <condition> used as a sign to the compiler that condition in most of the cases will be true. And similarly: I.unlikely <condition> used as a sign to the compiler that condition in most of the cases will be false. Note: at the present moment performance increase when using this subkeywords is negligible, so their usage is not recommended. |